Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Trusty Timer

My timer is so useful, it really helps me to keep on track with whatever task I'm doing.

Grilling:  I use my timer to grill hamburgers.  I set it for 7 minutes for the first side, flip, and 7 minutes on the other side, then remove them from the grill.  If I don't use the time I wind up with hockey pucks instead of juicy burgers.  And the 7 minutes seems to fly as I'm always surprised when it goes off, thinking that it can't possibly have been that long already. 
Cleaning and Organizing Missions:  I get easily distracted when I'm trying to get something clean and/or organized.  A timer is very useful to keep me on task.  I set the timer for 15 minutes and stay focused on whatever I'm wanting to get done.  It can be tidying a certain room, tackling overflowing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning windows.  The key is to not kill yourself trying to get everything done before the timer goes off but to focus on the task at hand for the full amount of time.  Some things can be completed in just one mission and other times you are only making a dent, but at least it's progress.  If I'm able I will do 3 missions in a row and take a break for 15 minutes.  I have a lot of difficulty keeping focused and this really does work for me.  Let me know if it works for you, too.
My daughter is wanting to change her room from a little girls room to a teen girls room, and her mission today was to sort through her stuffed animals, again using a timer for just 15 minutes helped her to feel accomplished rather than defeated by thinking how daunting the task was going to be.  Her bedroom's transformation will be it's own post as we work more on it.

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