Sunday, June 22, 2014


The movie for this book came out recently and saw several people commenting on Facebook on how great it was.  I mentioned that I would love to read the book and had it on hold at the library whenever it becomes available again.  My niece brought her copy over for me to borrow and I just finished it this morning.

If you don't already know, basically it's about some kids that have or had cancer and how they continue to live theirs lives despite it.  Or maybe, in spite of it.  Of course there is much more to it then that.  It is told from the view of Hazel and she because a real person to the reader almost immediately.  She talks about her parents and how she fears her sickness and probable death will effect them horribly.  She has a few friends, both cancer stricken and not, and you get to meet them, as well.

There is some gallows humor but it's totally realistic.  You know that people with a terminal illness are thinking these things but nobody else would ever dare say them out loud, but they can.

This author did brilliant work in making each of these characters come to life in the pages.  I worried over every unusual ache and pain they felt, and cried with the parents as there concern was evident, and laughed with their jokes about death and dying.

I can't wait to see the movie, but I do worry it won't be anywhere near as wonderful as the book.  However, I'll still take a box of tissues with me just in case it's even remotely close.

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