Thursday, February 26, 2015

Working On My Fitness Goals

It seems like I'm always wanting to get in better shape but I seriously lack in the follow through department.  I joined a gym in October that we could all go to and it was open all hours so there was no reason that we couldn't go.  But, still, in the five months that I paid the monthly dues, we only went one time, and that was only me and my middle son.  Sigh.  So I cancelled it and vowed to do free workouts that I could find on Youtube.

I discovered Bikini Body Mommy and decided that I wanted to give her approach a try.  I've only done the first two days, so far, but let me say that I am loving it!  It's easy but challenging at the same time.  She has a few versions on there, and I am starting with 3.0.  You really need to start on Day 1 and then do them in order.  The workouts are not very long but are intense so you will feel it, trust me.

I am in no way being paid to endorse Bikini Body Mommy (BBM), but I have to sing her praises.  She does it right along with you and that is what helps me feel that I can do it, too.

A few people that I met on a BBM Facebook page decided to start during the same week so we made a new page to encourage each other.  Let me know if you'd be interested in starting this fitness program and I'll become one of your cheerleaders!

Because I was wanting to really commit myself to her entire program, I decided to purchase her meal plan. 

I also took a set of before pics, not in a bikini though, as I wouldn't wear one even if I did lose a lot of weight and get in shape.  I'll not post them now, but will at the end of the 90 days.  And actually, I know it will take me more than 90 days as I have a week long vacation scheduled and a wedding that I'll be in.  So it might be more like 100 days. 

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